Louisa Hudson

Louisa Hudson

Health, Safety, Wellbeing, Environment & Protective Security Transformation, Communications and People, | Telstra

As Executive for HSWE & Protective Security at Telstra, Louisa leads the teams responsible for Telstra’s global health and safety, rehabilitation and compensation, wellbeing agenda, environmental compliance and people and physical security.  She previously worked at NAB as Head of Health, Safety and Wellbeing.  The mental health and wellbeing agenda is a key focus for Louisa and she has spent much of her time focused on improving the organisational approach to mental health and the care of employees.

She has a legal background in dispute resolution, practicing in the area of insurance and risk. She also spent seven years as a Senior Legal Counsel with WorkSafe Victoria, where she was involved in the regulation of the compensation scheme as well as management of litigation at a scheme level.