The City of South Perth (the City) is a progressive Local Government agency that prides itself on delivering excellent service to the community.
The City values the contribution of all employees and understands that the workforce is one of its most valuable resources. Being a competitive employer in the labour market and being able to consistently attract and retain highly skilled employees is important to the City. To achieve this the City is committed to creating a values driven, high performing culture where everyone is encouraged to thrive. The City aims to attract and retain outstanding employees who have a connection to their work and own their part in making a difference to the community.
Not only are there obvious non-financial benefits for employees in having a workplace wellness program but there is also an evidentiary connection between the availability of these benefits and a
healthy workforce leading to less sick days and more engaged and productive workers. Employee health and wellbeing is therefore a priority – the City believes that the welfare of its employees is not only an individual or personal matter for each employee but also something that the City can take a proactive step in promoting.